Creative Marketing Boosts Engagement: Interactive Influencer Marketing Strategies

One pain point brands frequently face is that after engaging a large number of influencers for collaborations, they still cannot achieve the expected results. To tackle this problem, KOL Radar suggests doing “interactive marketing” to boost engagement. KOL Radar has proposed techniques such as UGC community connections and clear CTA planning to effectively increase engagement rates. This article continues this concept by providing practical implementation of interactive marketing through gamification, designated comment-triggered links, limited-time reposting, and mobile calls to action. These methods not only achieve product exposure but also enhance engagement rates in collaborations, which further increases fan loyalty.

The definition and purpose of interactive marketing 

Interactive marketing is a marketing model established by brands based on consumer preferences and needs. It encompasses diverse forms such as posts, videos, etc. The goal is to stimulate audience interaction. Compared to traditional marketing, such as sponsored advertisements, interactive marketing is more dynamic and engaging. It fosters a direct, two-way relationship between brands and audiences.

Advantages of interactive marketing

Creates Entertainment Value That Boosts Engagement Rates

By creating entertainment value and enhancing engagement rates, interactive marketing emphasizes a two-way interaction with the audience, rather than simply delivering standardized information like traditional advertising. It employs more interesting and dynamic content, such as hosting exclusive events, creating mini-games, and generating trending topics. This approach makes the integration of products feel more natural and seamless.

Engagement rate is a crucial metric for assessing the effectiveness of marketing efforts. To evaluate the data performance of influencers, KOL Radar provides an interactive analysis dashboard for observation and assessment. This not only provides insights into the overall management of influencer communities but also helps anticipate the exposure and profitability levels of posts and videos.

Instagram Engagement Analysis Dashboard
Sources: KOL Radar

In addition to observing the interaction between influencers and their fans through interactive analysis, you can also utilize the posting time analysis dashboard to identify specific periods when influencers achieve higher engagement rates. By preemptively publishing content during these peak periods, you can maximize exposure effectiveness.

Sources: KOL Radar

Deepens Brand Impression and Builds Customer Loyalty

Creating hype for marketing in an interactive and lively way tends to increase the audience’s acceptance of sponsored content. When the audience is receptive to sponsored content, it can deepen their impression of the brand. Moreover, they may start to anticipate other related marketing content. Once they are accustomed to advertisements from the same brand, they can quickly associate products with the brand, thereby building loyalty.

Enhances Fan Engagement and Increases Purchasing Power

Establishing customer loyalty through interactive marketing strengthens the audience’s attachment to the brand and share of mind. This further encourages fans to make actual purchases. From gaining exposure to building loyalty leading to purchase conversion, interactive marketing gradually influences the audience’s perception of sponsored content. Therefore, the audience can gradually accept this emerging marketing model, and this boosts fans’ purchasing power.

Gamification Marketing

Today’s customers value active participation and experience over passive reception of information. For example, e-commerce platforms capitalize on the interest and gambling mindset of consumers by setting up discount wheels. They also create popular topics to help fans feel immersed, calling upon the spirit of adventure and uncertainty to create a sense of fun for the participating fans. MetHer, a platform focusing on gender-related topics, uses dating and emotional discussions to create games such as spinning wheels and psychological tests. This allows fans to immerse themselves in the game scenario and attracts users to click and experience it.

 Mether's Instagram Post
Sources: Mether

To enhance interaction between influencers and their fans in influencer marketing, brands can encourage influencers to incorporate “voting activities” in their Instagram Stories or other limited-time content so that fans can participate. They can also share game results and call on fans to take quizzes or similar activities. For example, YouTubers can strengthen their relationship with fans by adding IG voting activities where fans decide their day. This not only exposes products to fans for their selection but also sparks curiosity among viewers, prompting them to participate in the activity.

見習網美小吳's YouTube Video
Sources: 見習網美小吳

Designated Comment Trigger Link

In addition to the number of likes, the quantity of comments is also a valuable indicator of interaction between fans and influencers. Most social media users tend to like posts passively, but commenting requires active and conscious engagement. Apart from the common practice of encouraging fans to comment for a chance to win prizes, on Instagram, leaving specific words in a comment can trigger the direct message feature, allowing comments not only for expressing opinions but also for interactive activities like games or quizzes.

For example, LINE Taiwan utilized a popular MBTI personality test as the theme for an activity. They featured cute characters that encouraged fans to participate. Fans just needed to follow the official Instagram account and leave the comment “Start the test” to trigger the direct message for the quiz.

Line Taiwan's MBTI Personality Test
Sources: Line Taiwan

In influencer marketing campaigns, brands can request influencers to share their own experiences and results after taking a quiz or test. They can then use text to encourage fans to participate in the quiz and share their results with the influencer to complete the interactive marketing process. For example, Fang Qi, a popular personality, used the theme of “seeking the perfect personality match for me” to encourage fans to participate in the activity and leave comments on their own test results.

方薆's Collaboration Post with Line Taiwan
Sources: 方薆

Completing Designated Actions: KOL/Brand Retweet Limited-time Offers

Brands and influencers can give back to fans by retweeting their limited-time offers, making fans feel cared for psychologically. This approach not only increases the persuasive power of recommending products but also enhances fans’ desire and motivation to make purchases. For example, Moody, co-founded by well-known beauty influencers 紀卜心 and Pag, showcases limited-time offers for products purchased by fans. Jibsen also retweets fans’ limited-time offers in response, creating a two-way interaction where fans make purchases and influencers provide feedback. This tightens the bond between them and consumers.

紀卜心 and Pag's Post about Limited-time Offers
Sources: 紀卜心 and Pag

As the pandemic eases, it gradually sparks consumers’ desire to travel again, so physical events are gradually planned and promoted. Brands can combine the emerging trend of short-form video marketing to invite fans to participate in experiences and generate dynamic interactions. For example, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi’s Korean Wave exhibition invited influencers to use short-form videos as a promotional tool. Combined with the incentive of a prize draw, fans were encouraged to shoot short videos on-site. This not only allows fans to directly enjoy the atmosphere of the exhibition but also provides an enjoyable experience of shooting with music accompaniment.

阿心's Instagram Collaboration Post with ShinKong
Sources: 阿心

By utilizing KOL Radar’s Viewing Analysis Dashboard, brands can observe the timing of influencers’ short video releases and the effectiveness of average views. In the YouTube tab, you can compare general videos with Shorts, while the Instagram tab allows you to observe the distribution ratio between short videos and images. Brands can execute influencer marketing based on the content formats that influencers excel in.

Instagram View Analysis

Sources: KOL Radar

There are countless marketing and promotional methods, but only a few can truly capture the attention of fans. To get over this challenge, brands need to rely on creativity and innovation. If you find that the traditional one-way marketing feels too rigid for consumers and fans who find it difficult to accept the marketing approach of passively receiving information, KOL Radar suggests utilizing recent trends such as short-form videos, gamified interactions, and call-to-action campaigns in conjunction with influencer marketing. By first sparking the interest of fans and then delivering the promotional message, brands can achieve the desired marketing outcomes.

If you would like to know more about influencer marketing, feel free to consult KOL Radar for free at

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